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Holiday rentals at the Costa Brava Countryside

Enjoy a vacation home for short term rent at the lovely countryside

We offer you unique luxury converted farmhouses at the Costa Brava countryside. You can book directly, all the availability calendars are up to date. If you're in need of assistance just click to talk with us on our live chat. Remember, renting a Villa Costa Brava with us saves you money! Book now and enjoy an excellent holiday at the Costa Brava!

The following 1 holiday villas satisfy your wishes:

Your search: 2+ guests All dates
Casas de vacaciones -  - España - Villa Can Bernardi - Piscina
Casas de vacaciones -  - España - Villa Can Bernardi - Piscina
Empieza de 564,00 € por noche
Per person: 28,20 €

Villa Can Bernardi Vidreres - King Park

Personas 20-26 Dormitorios 10 Baños 7 Grupo Familias y parejas
Piscina Private pool Animales Small pet Coche Necessary

  • Gran casa de campo con mucha privacidad
  • Terraza cubierta con futbolín y mesa de billar
  • Varios equipos de juego, cancha de fútbol y una cancha de tenis (mini)
  • Aire acondicionado incluido

This accommodation is very suitable for families and couples. The accommodation can not be booked by groups.